'Hiking With-in Arizona'. Summerland Arts Council
'Certain Movement', Kelowna International Airport
Creating artwork for Dawn's solo exhibition,
Solo / Shared Exhibitions:
Hiking With-in Arizona, Summerland Community Arts Council. (Juried) Summerland B.C.
Solo exhibition representing the diverse breauty of the Arizona landscape
June 8, 2023 to July 21, 2023
Certain Movement, Kelowna Art Gallery. (Professionally Juried) Kelowna, BC
Solo exhibition at the Kelowna International Airport venue
October 22, 2012 to May 22, 2013.
Murder of Crows, Elevation Contemporary Gallery. Canmore, Alberta
Shared exhibition with five other artists working on the theme of crows
January 28 to February 3, 2012.
Kelowna Theatre. Kelowna, BC
Solo exhibition on a large body of work representing Dawn Emerson
May 3 to June 30, 2011.
Without Mind, Place des Arts. (Professionally Juried) Coquitlam, BC
Solo exhibition portraying the struggle with Alzheimer's
September 9 to October 9, 2010.
Mixed Messages, Lake Country Art Gallery. (Juried) Lake Country, BC
Shared exhibition with artist Anglika Jaegar
July 23 to September 5, 2010.
Voices of Nature, Elevation Contemporary Gallery. Canmore, Alberta
Shared exhibition with artist Dana Roman
November 7 to 14, 2009.
Landscape Transformations, Elevation Contemporary Gallery. Canmore, Alberta
Shared exhibition with artist Cindy Delpart
October 27 to November 2, 2007.
Mysterious Corvus, The Art Ark Gallery. Kelowna, BC
Solo exhibition
May 26 to June 7, 2007.
Back Alley BC, Rotary Centre of the Arts. (Juried) Kelowna, BC
Solo exhibition raising awareness of the homeless
December 2004 to January 2005.
Dawn Widell ( Emerson ), The Laughing Moon. (Juried) Kelowna, BC
Solo exhibition on selected works
May 8 to June 25, 2002.
Internal Affairs, The Alternator Gallery. (Professionally Juried) Kelowna, BC
Solo exhibition on the heroes of mothers inside the home
August 3 to September 6, 2001.
* For more Exhibitions click on CV on the 'The Artist - Biography / CV' page of this website*